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(收稿日期:2017-03-08 本文编辑:张瑜杰), 百拇医药(王英 郭鑫 宁春红 陈杨芳 余颖聪 兰巧丽 翁雪健 苑杰)
[13] Rousseaux C,Thuru X,Gelot A,et al. Lactobacillus acidophilus modulates intestinal pain and induces opioid and cannabinoid receptors [J]. Nat Med,2007,13(1):35.
[14] 秦旭華,李祖伦,金沈锐.白芷总香豆素对偏头痛模型小鼠5-HT和MAO的影响[J].时珍国医国药,2012,23(9):2190-2191.
[15] 张莉华,方步武.脑肠轴及其在胃肠疾病发病机制中的作用[J].中国中西医结合外科杂志,2007,13(2):199-201.
[16] Jakobsson HE,Abrahamsson TR,Jenmalm MC,et al. Decreased gut microbiota diversity,delayed Bacteroidetes colonisation and reduced Th1 responses in infants delivered by caesarean section [J]. Gut,2014,63(4):559-566.
[17] Ochoa-Repáraz J,Mielcarz DW,Ditrio LE,et al. Role of gut commensal microflora in the development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis [J]. J Immunol,2009,183(10):6041.
[18] Clarke G,Grenham S,Scully P,et al. The microbiome-gut-brain axis during early life regulates the hippocampal serotonergic system in a sex-dependent manner [J]. Mol Psychiatry,2013,18(6):666-673.
(收稿日期:2017-03-08 本文编辑:张瑜杰), 百拇医药(王英 郭鑫 宁春红 陈杨芳 余颖聪 兰巧丽 翁雪健 苑杰)