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http://www.100md.com 2017年9月15日 《中国医药导报》 2017年第26期
     [摘要] 中药国际化是中医药人始终不懈追求的目标,却也是一项复杂和艰难的任务。制约中药国际化的重要原因之一是安全性和有效性,然而中药材产地初加工又是影响中药安全性和有效性的源头工序,因此必须规范中药材产地加工方法,严格监管加工过程,从中药的生产源头把控中药质量。通过查阅文献和实地考察,分析和总结了中药材产地加工研究中存在的问题,并对产地加工研究提出了几点思考,以期呼吁广大学者重视中药材的产地加工研究,尤其加强产地加工的机械化、规范化相关研究,将更多先进的研究技术和理念应用到中药材的产地加工研究中。

    [关键词] 产地加工;机械化;系统生物学;谱效结合评价模式

    [中图分类号] R28 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)09(b)-0165-04

    The problems and reflections on research of primary processing of traditional Chinese medicinal materials

    LIU Lei1,2 WANG Lianzhi1,2 ZHANG Xiaoyan1,2 GUAN Feng3 WU Lun1,2 ZHANG Shuxiang1,2 TIAN Zhenkun1,2

    1.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China; 2.Innovative Drugs Engineering Research Center, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China; 3.College of Pharmacy, Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Heilongjiang Province, Harbin 150040, China

    [Abstract] The internationalization of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is not only the objective which is our scholars of TCM unswerving pursuit of, but also is a complex and difficult task. The important reasons of restricting it are safety and effectiveness of TCM. And the primary processing of traditional Chinese medicinal materials(TCMM) is one of major factors which influence the safety and effectiveness of TCM. Consequently, it is obliged to standardize the processing methods, supervise the processing strictly, and control the quality from the origination of production. Through the literature and investigation, this article summarized and analyzed the problems on the research of primary processing of TCMM, and expressed a few of my thoughts and opinions. To hope that scholars can put more emphasis on primary processing of TCMM, especially strengthen the mechanization and standardization researching, and apply more advanced techniques and concepts to it.

    [Key words] Primary processing; Mechanization; Systems biology; Quality evaluation model of chemical components spectrum combined with efficacy

    中藥材产地加工是中药材品质和药性形成的关键步骤,是决定中药饮片及其制剂质量优劣的重要因素之一。不科学规范的产地加工方法,会对中药材的化学成分产生一定影响,进而影响其药理学、代谢组学、毒理学等一系列相关研究的结果。然而中药材产地加工研究目前普遍存在研究力度不够,可查阅的相关文献较少,研究结论无法指导实际生产等问题[1]。本文在查阅文献和实地考察的基础上,总结、分析了中药材产地加工研究中存在的问题,并对目前产地加工研究的现状提出自己的看法,旨在呼吁重视中药材产地加工研究,希望广大学者充分利用植物代谢组学、毒理基因组学、蛋白质组学等系统生物学技术研究中药材的化学成分和毒性生物标志物信息,增加化学成分谱和中药药效相结合的多元化评价模式,从而筛选出科学的、规范的产地加工工艺,建立完整的、谱效结合的理论数据库,使中药材产地加工形成一套完整的系统理论和标准操作规范(SOP)。, 百拇医药(刘磊 王连芝 张晓燕 关枫 吴伦 张淑香 田振坤)
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