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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月5日 《中国医药导报》 2018年第1期
     [摘要] 目的 探讨护生自我效能感与职业认同感的现状以及两者之间的关系,为高校提高护生自我效能和职业认同提供参考依据。 方法 2015年10月~2016年6月采取方便抽样法,选取乌鲁木齐新疆医科大学、石河子大学、现代职业技术学院护生共1263名,采用自我效能感综合量表和职业认同量表进行问卷调查。 结果 护生自我效能总得分为(119.79±17.95)分;护生职业认同总得分为(119.30±21.69)分。采用单因素分析,护生自我效能的影响因素有性别、高考志愿、民族以及学历,差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。护生自我效能与职业认同呈正相关(r = 0.540,P < 0.01)。采用多因素分析,各影响因素的变化可以导致护生职业认同变化的39.2%。 结论 护生自我效能是职业认同的重要影响因素,护理教育者可以根据护生不同的特点采取相应的措施来提高护生的自我效能和职业认同。

    [关键词] 护生;自我效能;职业认同;相关性

    [中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)01(a)-0127-05

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the status quo of self-efficacy and professional identity of nursing students and explore their relationship, and to provide reference for nursing educator to improve nursing students′ self-efficacy and professional identity. Methods By convenient sampling method a total of 1263 nursing students from the Xinjiang Medical University, Shihezi University and Modern Vocational Technical College in Xinjiang were surveyed by self-efficacy comprehensive scale and professional identity scale from October 2015 to June 2016. Results The nursing students′ total score of self-efficacy was (119.79±17.95) scores. The nursing students′ score of professional identity was (119.30±21.69) scores. By single factor analysis, the factors affecting the self-efficacy were gender, college entrance examination, nationality, and educational background. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). There was a positive correlation between self-efficacy and occupational identity (r = 0.540, P < 0.01). By multifactor analysis, the change of influencing factors could lead to 39.2% of the change of occupational identification of nursing students. Conclusion Nursing students′ self-efficacy is an important factor of professional identity. The nursing educators should be based on the different characteristics of nursing students to take scientific and feasible interventions to improve the self-efficacy and professional identity.

    [Key words] Nursing students; Self-efficacy; Professional identity; Correlation

    护生职业认同指从理论和实践学习中逐渐发展,从而确定自己护士职业角色的过程[1]。职业认同能加强护生的学习动力,培养其良好的职业素质,是专业学习、职业稳定以及学科发展的前提和基础。因此,探索护生职业认同的影响因素以及形成特点,培养护生稳固和积极的职业认同已成为我国护理教育界十分紧要的任务[2]。自我效能是指个体对自己能否成功地完成某一活动或者行为的主观判断,广泛的自我效能又称为一般自我效能;学业自我效能是自我效能在学业领域内的表现,是个体对自己是否拥有能力控制自己学习行为、表现以及成绩的一种主观性判断[3];自我调节学习效能是指个体对自己自我学习检查、主动使用学习策略、必要时进行自我修正、自动抗拒诱惑和积极参与课堂学习能力的信念[4]。护生自我效能是直接影响其自我调节的关键性变量,可以通过自我调控学习行为对学业成绩产生积极影响[5],学习上的热情和自我效能作为重要的非智力因素,都将促進护生对护理专业的认同。本研究旨在通过对护生职业认同和自我效能的现状进行调查,并探讨两者之间的关系,为护理教育者采取有效措施来提升护生职业认同感提供参考依据,从而更加科学地规划护理学科专业,稳定职业健康发展。, http://www.100md.com(帕丽达·买买提 孙骏玉 武云云)
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