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(收稿日期:2017-10-16 本文编辑:王 娟), 百拇医药(吕浩源 王前江 江新)
[14] Schulz R,Rassaf T,Massion PB,et al. Recent advances in the understanding of the role of nitric oxide in cardiovascular homeostasis [J]. Pharmacol Ther,2005,108(3):225-256.
[15] Li XL,Zhang J,Huang J,et al. A Multicenter,Randomized,Double-Blind,Parallel-Group,Placebo- Controlled Study of the Effects of Qili Qiangxin Capsules in Patients With Chronic Heart Failure [J]. J Am Coll Cardiol,2013, 62(12):1065-1072.
[16] Hattori Y,Kasai K,Gross S. NO suppresses while peroxynitrite sustains NF-kappa B:a paradigm to rationalize cytoprotective and cytotoxic actions attribrted to NO [J]. Cardiovasc Res,2004,63(1):31-40.
[17] 曹君妍,黃冬梅,任杰,等.活动性强直性骶髂关节炎的彩色多普勒超声表现[J].中华超声医学影像杂志,2010, 19(6):510-513.
[18] Zhu JA,Xing CY,Jiang YQ,et al. Evaluation of complex appearance invascularity in vascularity of sacroiliac joint in ankylosing spondylitis by color Doppler ultrasonography [J]. Rheumatol lnt,2012,32(1):69-72.
(收稿日期:2017-10-16 本文编辑:王 娟), 百拇医药(吕浩源 王前江 江新)