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http://www.100md.com 2018年2月5日 《中国医药导报》 2018年第4期
     [摘要] 药物基因组学是一门新兴学科,是基因组学在药学领域的深入和延伸。该学科帮助人们更好地认识不同个体对药物反应差异的原因,指导新药研发和临床用药。随着“精准医疗”概念的提出和“个体化医疗”时代的到来,药物基因组学越来越引发关注,并且逐渐走入临床应用。另外一方面,近年来生物技术在诊断、制药等领域广泛应用,医学和药学院校纷纷开设了生物技术专业,以期为检验科,药剂科及新药研发等培养药学专业人才。然而,多数生物技术专业目前很少开设药物基因组学,这对于面向“个体化医疗”时代培养人才十分不利。本文从药物基因组学的研究内容与实际应用出发,结合学生就业方向,分析了医学及药学院校生物技术专业开设药物基因组学的必要性,为完善生物技术专业的课程体系提供资料。

    [关键词] 药物基因组学;生物技术;课程设置;个体化医疗

    [中图分类号] R968 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)02(a)-0134-04

    The necessity for biotechnology major of medical college for set up pharmacogenomics

    LI Meng1 DUAN Ran2 JIANGXinju2 GUO Yanhai1 LU Zifan1 YUAN Yuan3

    1.School of Pharmacy, the Fourth Military Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710032, China; 2.The brigade of undergraduates, the Fourth Military Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710032, China; 3.Deparment of Vasculocardiology, Xijing Hospital affiliated to the Fourth Military Medical University, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an 710032, China

    [Abstract] Pharmacogenomics is a new discipline which intend to go deep and extend of genomics in the field of pharmacy. Pharmacogenomics can not only helps people better understand the causes of different individuals differences in drug reactions, but also directs the development and clinical use of new drugs. With the introduction of the concept of "precision medicine" and the arrival of the era of "personalized medicine", pharmacogenomics is becoming more and more concerned and is gradually enter clinical application. On the other hand, biotechnology has been widely used in diagnosis, pharmaceutical and other fields in recent years, medical and pharmaceutical colleges and universities have set up biotechnology major, with a view to training pharmaceutical professionals for laboratory, pharmacy and new drug development. However, most biotechnology majors currently have very few pharmacogenomics, which is very bad for cultivating talents in the era of "individualized medicine". Based on the research content and practical application of pharmacogenomics, this paper analyzes the necessity of pharmacogenomics in the specialty of biotechnology in medical and pharmaceutical colleges, which provide information for improving the curriculum system of biotechnology.

    [Key words] Pharmacogenomics; Medical biotechnology; Curriculum; Individualized medicine

    藥物基因组学是一门新兴学科,它旨在帮助人们更好地认识不同个体对同一药物反应差异的原因,从而指导临床用药和新药研发。随着“精准医疗”概念的提出和“个体化医疗”时代的到来,药物基因组学越来越引发关注,并且逐渐走入临床应用。近年来生物技术尤其是生物诊断、生物制药等相关生物技术在医药领域广泛应用,我国医学和药学院校纷纷开设生物技术专业,以期为医院检验科,药剂科及新药研发领域培养专业生物技术人才。然而,大多数医学及药学院校的生物技术专业目前并未开设药物基因组学课程,这对于面向“个体化医疗”时代的人才培养是一个较大的缺憾。本文首先介绍了药物基因组学的概念和发展概况,然后从就业方向出发,阐述了医学和药学院校生物技术专业开设药物基因组学的必要性。, 百拇医药(李萌 段然 江新聚 郭晏海 卢兹凡 苑媛)
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