[摘要] 在韧带重建术中,无论是自体、异体还是人工移植物本身均具有足够的力学特性满足重建手术的需要,韧带固定器械成为决定手术成败的关键要素。本文简要介绍了目前临床常用的几类韧带固定器械,并从如何抑制“雨刷效应”“蹦极效应”“和关节液“灌注效应”,降低骨隧道扩大程度的角度,重点综述在改进固定器械的使用方法、材料选择、结构设计等方面和提升腱骨愈合效果方面所做的努力,以期为后续的新型固定器械开发提供帮助。[关键词] 韧带移植物;固定器械;材料选择;结构设计;腱骨愈合
[中图分类号] R681.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)03(c)-0022-04
[Abstract] In the reconstruction of ligament, autograft, allograft and artificial ligament all have enough mechanical properties to meet the needs of reconstructive surgery. Ligament fixation devices become the key elements to decide whether the operation is successful or not. This paper briefly introduces several kinds of commonly used clinical ligament fixation devices ......
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