[摘要] 目的 探讨不同月经量对女护生经前综合征症状及应对方式的影响,为女护生健康保健工作的开展提供科学依据。 方法 通过多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法,2017年9~12月抽取西安市三所高校护理专业女大学生共1061名为调查对象,采用自制问卷、月经症状量表和月经对策方式量表进行调查,并用SPSS 18.0对调查结果进行统计分析。 结果 不同月经量女护生的经前综合征症状得分之间比较,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。月经量不同的女大学生在月经期的应对方式中,一般处理、积极行为、积极认知的得分比较,差异均有高度统计学意义(P < 0.01);在消極行为领域的得分比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。 结论 不同月经量女护生的经前综合征症状及应对方式存在差异,应根据女护生的健康状况有针对性的提供健康指导。
[关键词] 月经量;护生;经前期综合征;应对方式
[中图分类号] R711.51 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)06(b)-0032-05
[Abstract] Objective To understand the relationship between premenstrual symptoms and coping styles in female nursing students with different menstrual volume, in order to provide scientific basis for female nursing students' health care work. Methods Through multistage stratified cluster random sampling, 1061 female nursing students from 4 grades in 3 medical universities were recruited from September to December in 2017. Self-made questionnaire, menstrual symptoms scale and menstrual coping styles scale were used and the data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0. Results There were significant differences in premenstrual symptoms among female nursing students with different menstrual volume(P < 0.05). There were significant differences in menstrual coping styles such as general processing, positive behavior and positive cognition among female nursing students with different menstrual volume (P < 0.01). While there were no significant differences in negative behavior among female nursing students with different menstrual volume (P > 0.05). Conclusion The female nursing students with different menstrual volume have different premenstrual symptoms and menstrual coping styles. Health guidance should be provided according to the health status of female nursing students.
[Key words] Menstrual volume; Nursing students; Premenstrual symptoms; Coping styles
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
2017年9~12月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法从西安市三所医学院校中选取大一至大四护理本科专业女大学生,每所院校每个年级随机抽取2个班,共24个班级;将抽得的班级中符合以下入选标准的1061名女大学生作为研究对象。入选标准:①护理专业在校、实习女大学生;②1年内无妊娠、流产、药物避孕、服用雌、孕激素及接受过内分泌治疗者;③知情同意且自愿参与本研究者;④基本自我认知完善,能够独自完成本次调查研究者。排除标准:①不符合上述纳入标准者;②合并有心、肝、肾以及造血系统严重疾病所致的子宫出血者;③存在影响正常月经的器质性疾病的体征、生殖器官畸形、盆腔炎性疾病、子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜息肉、宫颈癌以及子宫内膜癌等。, 百拇医药(徐娜 张永爱 赵将 岳慧娟 张海苗)
[关键词] 月经量;护生;经前期综合征;应对方式
[中图分类号] R711.51 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)06(b)-0032-05
[Abstract] Objective To understand the relationship between premenstrual symptoms and coping styles in female nursing students with different menstrual volume, in order to provide scientific basis for female nursing students' health care work. Methods Through multistage stratified cluster random sampling, 1061 female nursing students from 4 grades in 3 medical universities were recruited from September to December in 2017. Self-made questionnaire, menstrual symptoms scale and menstrual coping styles scale were used and the data were analyzed by SPSS 18.0. Results There were significant differences in premenstrual symptoms among female nursing students with different menstrual volume(P < 0.05). There were significant differences in menstrual coping styles such as general processing, positive behavior and positive cognition among female nursing students with different menstrual volume (P < 0.01). While there were no significant differences in negative behavior among female nursing students with different menstrual volume (P > 0.05). Conclusion The female nursing students with different menstrual volume have different premenstrual symptoms and menstrual coping styles. Health guidance should be provided according to the health status of female nursing students.
[Key words] Menstrual volume; Nursing students; Premenstrual symptoms; Coping styles
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象
2017年9~12月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样的方法从西安市三所医学院校中选取大一至大四护理本科专业女大学生,每所院校每个年级随机抽取2个班,共24个班级;将抽得的班级中符合以下入选标准的1061名女大学生作为研究对象。入选标准:①护理专业在校、实习女大学生;②1年内无妊娠、流产、药物避孕、服用雌、孕激素及接受过内分泌治疗者;③知情同意且自愿参与本研究者;④基本自我认知完善,能够独自完成本次调查研究者。排除标准:①不符合上述纳入标准者;②合并有心、肝、肾以及造血系统严重疾病所致的子宫出血者;③存在影响正常月经的器质性疾病的体征、生殖器官畸形、盆腔炎性疾病、子宫内膜异位症、子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜息肉、宫颈癌以及子宫内膜癌等。, 百拇医药(徐娜 张永爱 赵将 岳慧娟 张海苗)