[摘要] 近年来,政校合作模式逐渐成为医院改革发展的新模式,是实现医院跨越式发展的重要推动力,成为县级公立医院改革的新视角。本课题采用案例研究法,以广东省某政校合作试点医院为例进行研究,分析该院改革前的概况,系统总结该院综合改革举措,研究该院综合改革模式。实践表明,政校合作改革与县级公立医院改革是相互促进、共同发展的。这种模式创新了省内县级公立医院改革发展路径,为其他医学院校与政府、医疗机构开展合作提供参考与借鉴。[关键词] 县级公立医院;政校合作;改革;广东省
[中图分类号] R197 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)08(b)-0160-04
[Abstract] In recent years, the co-cooperation between government and university has gradually become a new mode. It has become an important driving force to achieve the leap development of the hospital and a new viewing angle to promote the reform of the country-level public hospitals. A case study was conducted in the co-cooperation between government and university in Guangdong Province. The study focuses on the general situation that existed in the hospital before the reform ......
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