[摘要] 目的 研究医、药、护、技四类医务人员的人格类型特点。 方法 2016年10月~2017年7月利用麦尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)性格量表对广西壮族自治区柳州市工人医院、柳州市妇幼保健院两所三级甲等医院的682名医、药、护、技四类医务人员进行性格类型测试,收集测试结果,并利用统计学软件SPSS 18.0进行数据分析。 结果 医、药、护、技四类医务人员在“外向E-内向I”与“感觉S-直觉N”维度比较差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);理性功能维度“思考T-情感F”、生活态度取向维度“判断J-感知P”比较差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。研究发现性格类型均以ESTJ居多(医疗101名,占比37.7%;护理80名,占比25.4%;医技33名,占比42.3%;药剂5名,占比23.8%;共219名,占比32.1%),其次是ISTJ(总体占比12.2%)、ENTJ(总体占比11.3%)。 结论 基于MBTI量表分析的医务人员性格类型分布以ESTJ居多,“判断J-感知P”维度是医务人员主要性格特点,可尝试将该测试结果应用于医务人员的团队建设、职业发展规划、培训、激励、招聘选拔人才等方面。
[关键词] 医务人员;麦尔斯—布里格斯类型指标;人格类型
[中图分类号] R192 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)11(b)-0160-04
[Abstract] Objective To study the personality characteristics of four types of medical staffs, medicine staffs, nursing staffs and technical staffs. Methods From October 2016 to July 2017, 682 medical staffs from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Liuzhou Worker′s Hospital and Liuzhou Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital were tested by Myers briggs type indicator (MBTI) personality scale, the results were collected and analyzed by SPSS 18.0 softruare. Results There was no significant difference in the dimensions of "extraverion E - introversion I" and "sensation S - intuition N" (P > 0.05). There was significant difference of rational function dimension of "thinking T - emotion F" and life attitude orientation dimension of "judgment J - perception P" (P < 0.05). This research found that most of them were ESTJ (101 medical staffs, accounting for 37.7%; 80 nursing staffs, accounting for 25.4%; 33 medical technicians staffs, accounting for 42.3%; 5 pharmaceutical personnel, accounting for 23.8%; a total of 219 people, accounting for 32.1%), followed by ISTJ (12.2% in total) and ENTJ (11.3% in total). Conclusion The distribution of medical staff's personality type based on MBTI scale analysis is mostly ESTJ, and the dimension of "judgment J - perception P" is the main personality characteristic of medical staffs. The test results can be applied to the team building, career development planning, training, motivation, recruitment and selection of medical personnel.
[Key words] Medical saff; Myer briggr type indicator; Personality type
麥尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)性格类型方法是由Isabel briggs myers、Katharine cook briggs母女在荣格心理类型理论基础上完善、丰富后编制的人格类型量表。它饱含荣格对人类心灵的深刻思想见解和敏锐洞察,是理解人类行为差异的一个重要指针[1]。目前已是国际上最为普遍使用的性格类型系统,并在职业测评领域、家庭咨询领域、学习教育领域等得以广泛利用[2],是企业员工职业定位、职业发展规划和提升组织效率的主要方法之一[3]。
MBTI人格类型量表具有较好的信度和效度,为人格问题的研究提供了一种非常有效的根据[4]。随着医疗卫生行业的不断发展,医务人员的管理工作日益重要。人格类型影响着个体的工作、学习表现[5],本研究利用MBTI对医务人员的性格类型进行测试与评价,为进一步研究人格与职业胜任的关系、医务人员的筛选和培养等提供依据。, http://www.100md.com(徐小缓 曾卫龙 欧萍 汪红梅)
[关键词] 医务人员;麦尔斯—布里格斯类型指标;人格类型
[中图分类号] R192 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)11(b)-0160-04
[Abstract] Objective To study the personality characteristics of four types of medical staffs, medicine staffs, nursing staffs and technical staffs. Methods From October 2016 to July 2017, 682 medical staffs from Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Liuzhou Worker′s Hospital and Liuzhou Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital were tested by Myers briggs type indicator (MBTI) personality scale, the results were collected and analyzed by SPSS 18.0 softruare. Results There was no significant difference in the dimensions of "extraverion E - introversion I" and "sensation S - intuition N" (P > 0.05). There was significant difference of rational function dimension of "thinking T - emotion F" and life attitude orientation dimension of "judgment J - perception P" (P < 0.05). This research found that most of them were ESTJ (101 medical staffs, accounting for 37.7%; 80 nursing staffs, accounting for 25.4%; 33 medical technicians staffs, accounting for 42.3%; 5 pharmaceutical personnel, accounting for 23.8%; a total of 219 people, accounting for 32.1%), followed by ISTJ (12.2% in total) and ENTJ (11.3% in total). Conclusion The distribution of medical staff's personality type based on MBTI scale analysis is mostly ESTJ, and the dimension of "judgment J - perception P" is the main personality characteristic of medical staffs. The test results can be applied to the team building, career development planning, training, motivation, recruitment and selection of medical personnel.
[Key words] Medical saff; Myer briggr type indicator; Personality type
麥尔斯-布里格斯类型指标(MBTI)性格类型方法是由Isabel briggs myers、Katharine cook briggs母女在荣格心理类型理论基础上完善、丰富后编制的人格类型量表。它饱含荣格对人类心灵的深刻思想见解和敏锐洞察,是理解人类行为差异的一个重要指针[1]。目前已是国际上最为普遍使用的性格类型系统,并在职业测评领域、家庭咨询领域、学习教育领域等得以广泛利用[2],是企业员工职业定位、职业发展规划和提升组织效率的主要方法之一[3]。
MBTI人格类型量表具有较好的信度和效度,为人格问题的研究提供了一种非常有效的根据[4]。随着医疗卫生行业的不断发展,医务人员的管理工作日益重要。人格类型影响着个体的工作、学习表现[5],本研究利用MBTI对医务人员的性格类型进行测试与评价,为进一步研究人格与职业胜任的关系、医务人员的筛选和培养等提供依据。, http://www.100md.com(徐小缓 曾卫龙 欧萍 汪红梅)