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http://www.100md.com 2019年1月25日 《中国医药导报》 2019年第3期

    [1] 陶志东,陈智能,吴祥宗,等.中医火龙铺灸疗法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的疗效观察[J].中国中医药科技,2018,25(1):79-80.

    [2] Choi G,Lee SH,Lokhande P,et al. Percutaneous endoscopic approach for highly migrated intracanal discherniations by foraminoplastic technique using rigid working channel endoscope [J]. Spine,2008,33(15):508-515.

    [3] 王凌玲,黄碧,黎余余.中药艾箱灸用于腰椎间盘突出症患者的护理研究[J].光明中医,2018,33(4):575-576.

    [4] Ofluoglu D,Akyuz G,Unay O,et al. The effect of calcitonin on β-endorphin levels in postmenopausal osteoporotic patients with back pain [J]. Clin Rheumatol ......
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