[摘要] 实习教学是医学本科教育的一个重要阶段,也是连接医学理论教育和医学实践教育的重要桥梁。传统实习教学模式需结合网络通讯和多媒体技术进行优化创新,保证教学效果。翻转课堂和微课是有别于传统的教学新模式,其实用性、有效性和可操作性已被近年来的实践所证实。我们在实习教学实践中发现,该模式可有效激发教学兴趣,促进教学互动,突出医学人文性,从而显著提升实习教学效果。以“紧密结合教学目标,合理规划教学内容,注重思维引导方式”为原则,合理地贯彻翻转课堂形式并设计微课内容,是值得进一步推广和完善的医学本科实习教学模式。[关键词] 翻转课堂;微课;医学教育;实习教育
[中图分类号] G642.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)02(a)-0075-04
[Abstract] Internship education is an important stage of medical undergraduate education connecting medical theory and practice teaching. The traditional practice teaching mode needs to be optimized and innovated by combining network communication and multimedia technology to ensure the effectiveness of teaching. Flipped classroom and microlecture are new teaching model that have been found to be effective on improving teaching outcomes. In our teaching practice ......
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