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(收稿日期:2018-11-02 本文编辑:张瑜杰), 百拇医药(刘西纺 杨民毅 惠国栋 李含笑 姬笑颜)
[18] Tubbs RS,Watanabe K,Loukas M,et al. The intramuscular course of the greater occipital nerve:novel findings with potential implications for operative interventions and occipital neuralgia [J]. Surg Neurol Int,2014,5:155.
[19] Notaro P,Buratti E,Meroni A,et al. The effects of peripheral occipital nerve stimulation for the treatment of patients suffering from chronic migraine:a single center experience [J]. Pain Physician,2014,17(3):E369-E374.
[20] 桂清民,孫德礼,李刚.针刀松解配合整脊对椎动脉型颈椎病X线片及血流动力学的影响[J].世界中西医结合杂志,2015,10(7):949-952.
[21] 刘方铭,王寿兰,张燕,等.针刀松解颈周腧穴治疗椎动脉型颈椎病新方案的临床研究[J].社区医学杂志,2014, 12(13):24-27.
[22] 李少芳,黄漫华,林卓鹏,等.枕下缘针刀松解治疗颈性眩晕疗效观察[J].中国针灸,2017,37(3):297-300.
(收稿日期:2018-11-02 本文编辑:张瑜杰), 百拇医药(刘西纺 杨民毅 惠国栋 李含笑 姬笑颜)