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(收稿日期:2019-06-13 本文编辑:任 念), 百拇医药(《新生儿黄疸规范化用药指导专家建议》专家编写组)
[36] 张龙奕,阙利双,饶雪梅.更昔洛韦联合茵栀黄治疗婴儿巨细胞病毒性肝炎初步研究[J].实用肝脏病杂志,2017,20(6):752-753.
[37] 张丽娟,郑淮武,裴雪梅,等.熊去氧胆酸和茵栀黄口服液联合治疗早产儿静脉营养相关性胆汁淤积的临床疗效[J].海峡药学,2018,30(11):197-199.
[38] Kotb MA. Ursodeoxycholic acid in neonatal hepatitis and infantile paucity of intrahepatic bile ducts:review of a historical cohort [J]. Dig Dis Sci,2009,54(10):2231-2241.
[39] Kong X,Kong Y,Zhang F,et al. Evaluating the effectiveness and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid in treatment of intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: A meta-analysis(a prisma-compliant study)[J]. Medicine,2016,95(40):e4949.
[40] Yin J,Wennberg RP,Miller M. Induction of hepatic bilirubin and drug metabolizing enzymes by individual herbs present in the traditional Chinese medicine, yin zhi huang [J]. Dev Pharmacol Ther,1993,20(3-4):186-194.
[41] Ou QQ,Qian XH,Li DY,et al. Yinzhihuang attenuates ANIT-induced intrahepatic cholestasis in rats through upregulation of Mrp2 and Bsep expressions [J]. Pediatr Res,2016,79(4):589-595.
[42] Huang W,Zhang J,Moore DD. A traditional herbal medicine enhances bilirubin clearance by activating the nuclear receptor CAR [J]. J Clin Invest,2004,113(1):137-143.
[43] 白梅.清肝利膽口服液联合西药治疗母乳性黄疸68例[J].四川中医,2006,24(1):96-97.
[44] 张建敏.清肝利胆口服液辅助治疗对新生儿高胆红素血症的影响[J].实用中西医结合临床,2017,17(5):87-88.
[45] 朱琳涵.母乳性黄疸的诊断和治疗[J].中国医刊,2016, 51(6):1-4.
(收稿日期:2019-06-13 本文编辑:任 念), 百拇医药(《新生儿黄疸规范化用药指导专家建议》专家编写组)