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http://www.100md.com 2020年1月25日 《中国医药导报》 2020年第3期
     [摘要] 现代医院需充分结合当下互联网行业发展趋势,大量引进新型服务模式与管理理念,提升患者治疗体验,促进临床医疗服务工作更好地开展。银医一卡通系统的成立,实现了医院、消费者、银行三者间金融业务的自动化处理,省去患者不必要的时间浪费,可以将更多时间用于求诊,实现医疗资源的充分利用。本文从银医一卡通的发展趋势立足,分析该新型服务模式的意义,极大程度优化患者就医流程,浅析对其功能与设计思路的思考,展望未来银医一卡通的发展前景,鼓励现代医疗机构为患者提供更加全方位且优质的医疗金融服务。

    [关键词] 综合医院;门诊;银医一卡通;现代化;应用;发展

    [中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)01(c)-0176-05

    Application and development analysis of the bank-hospital one-card pass system in general hospital

    BAI Jing1 HU Tingting2 LI Yufen1 YU Shuxin3 PAN Limin4▲

    1.Department of Outpatient, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou 075000, China; 2.Department of Pediatric Internal Medicine, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou 075000, China; 3.Information Management Service, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou 075000, China; 4.Department of Science and Technology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, Hebei Province, Zhangjiakou 075000, China

    [Abstract] Modern hospitals need to fully integrate the current development trend of the internet industry, introduce a large number of new service models and management concepts, improve patients′ treatment experience, and promote better clinical medical services. With the establishment of the one-card system, the automatic processing of financial business among hospitals, consumers and banks has been realized, which saves unnecessary time waste for patients, and makes more time available for consultation, so as to make full use of medical resources. Based on the development trend of the silver medical card, this paper analyzes the significance of the new service mode, optimizes the process of patients′ medical treatment to a great extent, analyzes the thinking of its function and design ideas, looks forward to the future development prospects of the silver medical card, and encourage modern medical institutions to provide more comprehensive and high-quality medical and financial services for patients.

    [Key words] General hospital; Outpatient Department; Bank-hospital one-card pass system; Modernization; Application; Development

    我國现代公共卫生与医疗服务行业尚处于发展阶段,因此医疗资源不均衡情况较为常见。现代医院在为患者提供临床医疗诊断服务的过程中,常伴随有“三长一短”的不良行业现状,即患者排队时间长、候诊时间长与收费时间长,而就诊时间短[1-2]。该现状既反映出我国医疗服务资源的不均衡,又表明我国医疗服务市场的需求量旺盛。笔者结合自身工作经验总结发现,现代医院在开展临床诊疗服务过程中,患者反馈意见最集中处在于排队挂号及缴费过程中的大量不必要时间消耗。患者迫切希望医院能够改善服务效率,以尽可能缓解上述情况的发生,缩短不必要的等候时间,进而极大程度提升患者诊疗效率,改善上述“三长一短”的现代医院医疗现状,从而促进医院各部门运作效率提升[3-5]。为实现临床医疗服务满意度持续上升,改善医疗系统行业不良现状,笔者所在医院接入银医一卡通系统,以信息化手段,为求诊患者提供挂号与缴费的自动化路径,从而有效缓解现代医院挂号难、收费难等不良医疗现状,极大程度提高医院门诊工作效率。笔者结合医院银医一卡通的实践与应用心得,展开相关撰述,展望未来医院门诊银医一卡通的发展方向。, http://www.100md.com(白婧 胡婷婷 李玉芬 于树新 潘利民)