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http://www.100md.com 2020年3月25日 《中国医药导报》 20209
     [摘要] 调理,意为通过调和身体中的阴阳偏差,或损其有余,或补其不足,循序治理,逐渐使身体恢复到阴平阳秘的良好状态。中医“治根治本”的治病特点在调理身体方便具有独到的优势。本文以薛立斋医案中典型的妇科疾病为切入点,对其进行整理研究,以此探讨薛立斋对调理妇科疾病的独特见解。总结薛立斋主要的学术思想,认为特点如下:注重脏腑,尤脾尤肝;药物分服,时辰得当;重视情志,宜疏宜养。薛立斋对妇科疾病的诸多调理经验对当代妇科疾病的预防、治疗、调理具有重要的临床指导价值。

    [关键词] 调理;薛立斋;妇科;治未病

    [中图分类号] R246.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)03(c)-0141-04

    [Abstract] Conditioning refers to a sequential treatment of regulating yin-yang deviation in human bodies by either reducing excess or supplementing insufficiency for gradually realizing a physical condition of balanced yin and consolidated yang. The characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine “root and root treatment” have unique advantages in the convenience of body conditioning. In this paper ......
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