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http://www.100md.com 2012年8月1日




    [中图分类号]Q 291[文献标志码]A[doi]10.3969/j.issn.1673-5749.2012.04.028

    Research progress on periodontal ligament stem cellsDong Zhengmou1,2, Liu Luchuan1.(1. Dept. of Stomatology, Institute of Field Surgery, Daping Hospital, The Third Military Medical University, Chongqing 400042, China; 2. Dept. of Stomatology, People’s Hospital of Hongan, Huanggang 438400, China)

    [Abstract]The periodontal tissue engineering has been a striking research on the treatment of periodontal dis-ease, and the periodontal ligament stem cell is one of the key seed cells on the periodontal tissue engineering. In this study, a related research on periodontal tissue engineering, and the source, isolated and cultured, cell pheno-type, biological characteristics, influential factor of function, molecular regulation on the periodontal ligament stem cells would be reviewed, meanwhile the challenges and prospects on it would be discussed.

    [Key words]periodontal tissue engineering;periodontal ligament stem cell;challenge;prospect

    牙周病是人类口腔疾病中的常见病和多发病,常导致牙周支持组织破坏或缺损,严重影响人类的生理和心理健康。目前,牙周支持组织重建主要依赖机械、药物或引导组织再生技术,随着分子生物学、组织工程学和干细胞技术的飞速发展,牙周组织再生工程技术成为牙周病治疗研究的热点,牙周膜干细胞(periodontal ligament stem cell,PDLSC)是牙周组织再生工程的关键种子细胞之一,本文就其研究现状和进展作一综述。




    种子细胞是牙周组织再生工程的基础。牙周膜细胞(periodontal ligament cell,PDLC)分化、增殖能力较强,是常用的牙周组织工程种子细胞[1];牙龈成纤维细胞、成牙骨质细胞、胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ESC)[2]、牙胚细胞、成体干细胞、骨髓基质干细胞(bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell,BMSC)[3]、脂肪干细胞等在一定条件下均可成为牙周组织工程的种子细胞。



    生物支架模拟细胞外基质,为组织、器官再生提供一个良好的微环境。目前,相关支架材料的研究主要有羟磷灰石类、胶原、合成聚酯和复合型材料。天然衍生型羟磷灰石的骨小梁和晶体结构有利于细胞生长、分化和矿化形成;胶原可保持细胞表型与生物活性 ......
