摘要 目的:探索人体出生时间的季节、五运六气特点与后天罹患肺癌的关联性。方法:对1 045例肺癌患者出生日期在不同季节、运气时段的分布进行统计分析。结果:肺癌患者的出生时间在以下时段分布较多:季节为冬季,年干为丁,岁运为木,主气为终之气,客气为厥阴风木,司天之气为厥阴风木,在泉之气为少阴君火。其中季节分布、在泉之气时段分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:人体出生时的季节、在泉之气时段与后天罹患肺癌具有一定的相关性。关键词 出生日期;肺癌;季节;五运六气
Abstract Objective:To study the correlation between the incidence of lung cancer and the characteristics of season and five circuits and six qi in date of birth.Methods:The distribution in different seasons,Yunqi periods of birth date of 1045 patients with lung cancer were analyzed.Results:More patients with lung cancer were born in the following periods:Winter ......
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