摘要 目的:研究复方紫草油对小儿红臀症的临床疗效。方法:使用复方紫草油治疗45例小儿红臀症患儿,观察患儿治疗前后的疗效及症状的改变情况等。结果:疾病疗效率达到89%。皮损面积、皮损颜色、破溃、渗液、哭吵程度等症状在用药前后证状积分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:复方紫草油对小儿红臀症的临床疗效显著,具有不错的应用价值。关键词 复方紫草油;小儿红臀症;临床研究
Abstract Objective: To study the clinical efficacy of Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil in treating children with irritant diaper dermatitis. Methods: Compound Radix Arnebiae Oil was used in treating 45 cases of children with irritant diaper dermatitis to observe the cure effect before and after the treatment and the changes of symptoms. Results: The cure effect was up to 89%. The difference of scores of skin lesion area, skin color, ulcer, exudate ......
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