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     摘要 目的:觀察糖尿病合并迟发性性腺功能低下(Late-onset Hypogonadism,LOH)的中老年男性患者的生殖激素水平及老龄化男性雄激素缺乏问卷(Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Males Questionnaire,ADAM)评分,并探讨基于肾主藏精的不同证型与生殖激素水平及ADAM评分的关系。方法:将纳入的200例LOH合并2型糖尿病中老年男性患者,按照中医辨证分为肾阴虚型,肾阳虚型,肾精亏虚型,肾气不固型4组,检测所有患者的性激素及空腹血糖/空腹胰岛功能,并对其进行ADAM心理系量表评分。结果:肾阳虚及肾气不固证型患者的下丘脑-垂体系统激素水平升高明显,表现在黄体生成素(Luteinizing Hormone,LH)及卵泡刺激素(Follicle-Stimulating Hormone,FSH)升高明显,雌二醇升高明显。总睾酮水平方面,肾阴虚证型较其他3种证型下降不显著。在ADAM评分方面,体能症状及性功能减退症状上肾阳虚及肾气不固明显;血管运动症状上肾阴虚表现明显;精神心理症状,肾阳虚表现明显。结论:不同中医证型的糖尿病合并LOH的中老年男性患者激素水平及ADAM评分存在不同的表现,说明中医证候与激素水平和ADAM评分具有相关性。

    关键词 肾主藏精;男性生殖激素;ADAM评分

    Analysis of Relationship between TCM Syndrome of Kidney-Storing-Essence and Male Reproductive Hormones and ADAM Score

    Li Yuxiu1, 2, Xu Xiaoying2, Wang Zhufeng1, Wu Rui1, Zhang Ying1, Shi Bai1

    (1 South Area of Guang′ anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 102618, China; 2 Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029, China)

    Abstract Objective: To observe patients with diabetes complicated with late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) reproductive hormone level and ADAM score in elderly male patients, and to explore the relationship based on the kidney storing the essence of different syndromes and reproductive hormone levels and ADAM scores. Methods: A total of 200 elderly male patients with LOH with type 2 diabetes were included and divided into four groups according to syndromes of kidney yin deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, and un-consolidation of the kidney-qi. All patients had tests on sex hormone and fasting blood glucose/fasting islet function, and the ADAM psychological scale was used for assessment. Results: Pituitary-hypothalamic system hormone of patients of the kidney yang deficiency and un-consolidation of the kidney-qi syndrome increased greatly and significantly higher in the LH and FSH, and estradiol increased significantly. The total testosterone levels, kidney yin deficiency type than the other three types did not decrease significantly. In ADAM score, reduction of physical symptoms and sexual function symptoms of kidney yang deficiency and un-consolidation of the kidney-qi was significant. Vasomotor symptoms of kidney yin deficiency were obvious. Psychological symptoms in kidney yang deficiency were significant. Conclusion: Hormone level and ADAM score in different TCM syndromes of elderly male patients with diabetic LOH have different performance, indicating the correlation between TCM syndromes and hormone levels and the score of ADAM.(李玉秀 许筱颖 王竹风 吴瑞 张颖 石白)
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