摘要 本文主要针对龙牡壮骨颗粒的健脾和胃作用治疗小儿功能性消化不良、食欲不振的基础理论、药理药效研究及临床应用情况进行综述,明确其作用机理及临床疗效。关键词 龙牡壮骨颗粒;健脾和胃;功能性消化不良;食欲不振
Abstract This paper mainly summarized the basic theory,the pharmacological efficacy and clinical application of Longmu Zhuanggu Granule in treating functional dyspepsia and loss of appetite of children by fortifying the spleen and harmonizing the stomach to clear the mechanism and clinical effects.
Key Words Longmu Zhuanggu Granule; Fortifying the spleen and harmonizing the stomach; Functional dyspepsia; Loss of appetite
龙牡壮骨颗粒由黄芪、党参、山麦冬、醋龟甲、炒白术、山药、醋南五味子、龙骨、煅牡蛎、茯苓、大枣、甘草、乳酸钙、炒鸡内金、维生素D2、葡萄糖酸钙组成 ......
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