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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月15日 《世界中医药》 201810

    关键词喉源性咳嗽;经验;学术见解; @ 蒋健

    Analysis on Professor Jiang Jian′s Clinical Experience of Diagnosing and Treating “Laryngeal Cough”

    Geng Qi1,Cui Chen1,Li Jingwei1,Li Xin2,Li Wei3,Yang Xiaofan1,Zhou Dan1,Jiang Jian1

    (1 Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 201203,China; 2 Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shanghai 200437,China; 3 Shanghai Huangpu District Central Hospital,Shanghai 200002,China)

    Abstract“Laryngeal cough” is a new syndrome proposed by National TCM Master,Gan Zuwang.It has a clinical feature,that is,the patient′s cough is caused by throat itching,and when throat itching stops,cough also stops.Professor Jiang Jian added the following major academic insights to this:The pathogenic factors of “laryngeal cough” is “6+1”,which is caused by the “haze” of air pollution in addition to the traditional six evilswind,cold,heat,dampness,dryness and fire.When we try to diagnose “laryngeal cough”,do not forget to ask our patients whether his cough is caused by throat itching or not.In the treatment of “laryngeal cough”,Professor Jiang Jian pointed out four main therapeutic principles,which are based on antiallergy,replenishing yin to ease the throat,clearing heat and toxic materials,ventilating the lung to suppress cough.These four principles can be flexibly combined.All of the above academic insights have enriched the therapy of “laryngeal cough” further.

    Key WordsLaryngeal cough; Experience; Academic insights; @ Jiang Jian




    验案1:某,女,48岁,2013年5月21日就诊。主诉:咽痒咳嗽2个月余。自今年3月8日感冒发热以来一直咳嗽至今,伴咽痒,白昼尚可,夜间尤甚,痰少。曾自行服用过各类止咳药,均告罔效。舌淡红,苔薄,脉细弦。证属喉咳,治以抗敏利咽,清热养阴;处方:柴胡15 g、防风12 g、蝉蜕10 g、土茯苓30 g、白鲜皮12 g、生甘草12 g、白僵蚕12 g、桔梗12 g、胖大海3 g、金银花15 g、玄参12 g、麦冬12 g、生地黄15 g,7剂。

    二诊(5月28日):服上药后咽痒止,咳嗽几止,唯偶有泛酸,舌脉同上。原方加煅瓦楞40 g,7剂,以资巩固。

    按:本案除咽痒咳嗽外,别无他苦。蒋健教授认为咽痒咳嗽多与过敏有关[2],故方投过敏煎,患者咳嗽已有2个月余,恐余毒未清,肺阴耗损,故酌加金银花、胖大海清热解毒,生地黄、麦冬、玄参养阴利咽。, 百拇医药(耿琦 崔晨 李敬伟)
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