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http://www.100md.com 2018年6月15日 《世界中医药》 201812
     摘要 原始点疗法是台湾中医师张钊汉在阿是穴理论基础上创立的一套比较成熟的中医外治法体系。它全面总结了全身各处症状相对应的阿是穴探寻位置,以激发人体自愈力为核心目的,以症状之有无和体力之强弱为核心标准,以按摩原始点和补充内外热源为核心方法。该疗法具有鲜明的“简、便、验、廉”的中医特色,是继阿是穴之后在经络腧穴基础之上的又一次创新,值得继续研究和大力推广。

    关键词 原始点;阿是穴;中医外治法;自愈力;按摩;内外热源;经络;腧穴

    Abstract The origin point therapy,established by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) doctor Chang Zhaohan from Taiwan,is a kind of sophisticated TCM external therapy based on the ashi acupoint theory.It has comprehensively summarized the ashi acupoint searching positions of all symptoms of every part of the body.Its main aim is to stimulate human body′s self-healing power.Its main criteria are the ease of symptoms and the strengthening of physique.Its core criteria are the existence of symptoms and physical strength.Its main methods are the manipulation of the origin points and the supplement of internal and external heat source.This kind of therapy has unique TCM features including simple ......
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