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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月1日 《世界中医药》 20203
     摘要 新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,本团队赴武汉疫区开展中医药临床救治,并取得一定效果。随着临床实践的深入,我们发现本病病变虽核心在肺,但肝脾在辨治中的作用对于改善预后亦有重要作用。肝郁伤神是新型冠状病毒肺炎(Coronavirus Disease 2019,COVID-19)的常见病机,患者常伴有情志异常表现,存在肝郁为本,神乱为标,肺病及肝,金木克伐的旁路病机,并显著加重病情。因此,用药当兼顾调肝安神,改善睡眠,调护情绪,有利于病情恢复。脾失健运是COVID-19的重要病机,健运脾胃应为基本治法之一。总之,肝郁脾虚应当作为COVID-19中医辨治上需要纳入考虑的重要病机,注重肝脾的调理,或是提高疗效及防止复发的另一个切入点。

    关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎;中医药;辨证论治;肝脾辨治

    Abstract During the outbreak of novel coronavious pneumonica(NCP),we headed to the front line of Wuhan epidemic area to carry out TCM therapies which demonstrated certain effect.Along with the advancement of clinical practice,we found that although the major pathology of the disease lies in the lung,the liver-spleen differentiation and treatment are vital for improving prognosis as well.Liver Qi stagnation and mental disorder is the common pathogenesis of NCP and patients are often observed with emotional abnormalities.The root cause is liver Qi stagnation and mental disorder is the manifestation ......
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