摘要 近年来,日本汉方药以简便、优质、规范化及疗效佳的优势日渐兴盛。在中医药事业蓬勃向上的当下,人们期望从日本汉方药的发展模式中寻求可借鉴的经验,用于推动国内中药事业的发展。现通过梳理日本汉方医药的发展历程,从日本相关政策、企业发展及社会参与的角度出发,分析汉方药发展崛起的原因,为中药行业的发展和中药产品的国际化提供借鉴。关键词 日本汉方药;中药制剂;国際化路径;中药;中医药现代化;药品质量;物质基准;行业标准;注册审批
Abstract In recent years,Japanese Kampo medicine have prospered under the advantages of simplicity,quality,standardization and good curative effects.As the Chinese medicine industry is booming,people expect to learn from the developmental model of Japanese Kampo medicine so as to promote the development of domestic Chinese medicine.Through summarizing the developmental process of Japanese Kampo medicine from the perspective of related policies of Japan ......
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