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http://www.100md.com 2009年2月27日 中国医药导报 2009年第3期
     李 菲 郝利勇 郝吉福 王建筑 郭丰广

    [摘要] 目的:提高药剂学的实验教学效果,更好地培养学生主动动手和思考问题的能力。方法:本文以吲哚美辛-β-环糊精包合物的制备为例,探讨了综合性、设计性实验在药剂学实验教学改革中的应用。结果:实验开展3年来学生对本实验教学内容和方式的平均满意度为92%。结论:在药剂学实验教学中增加综合性、设计性实验的比例是药剂学实验教学改革的一个重要方面。

    [关键词] 综合性实验;实验教学;吲哚美辛-β-环糊精包合物

    [中图分类号]G642 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)01(c)-111-02

    The application in the teaching of pharmaceutical experiment of the preparation of indomethacin-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes

    LI Fei, HAO Li-yong, HAO Ji-fu, WANG Jian-zhu, GUO Feng-guang

    (School of Pharmacy, Taishan Medical College, Tai-an 271016,China)

    [Abstract] Objective: To improve the teaching quality of pharmaceutical experiments and train the students′skills. Methods: Discuss the application of the comprehensive experiments in the teaching reform of pharmaceutical experiments.The preparation of indomethacin-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes was taken as the example in this exploratory research. Results: About 92% students were satisfied with the experiment in the late 3 years. Conclusion: To increase the comprehensive experiments in the experimental teaching benefits the improvement of the teaching quality. ......

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