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http://www.100md.com 2009年4月23日 中国医药导报 2009年第7期

    [摘要] 目的:探讨口腔固定正畸治疗的护理,以提高正畸效果和质量。方法:通过对121例固定正畸的护理配合,总结固定正畸治疗护理的工作要点。结果:121例固定正畸治疗者均获得满意效果,减少减轻了治疗中的并发症和不适感。结论:心理护理、专科护理技术、口腔卫生保健指导教育是固定正畸治疗护理工作要点。

    [关键词] 口腔;固定正畸;护理

    [中图分类号] R473.78[文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)03(a)-101-02

    Fixed orthodontic treatment of oral care

    WANG Bang-you

    (The People's Hospital of Pingwu County,Sichuan Province,Pingwu622550,China)

    [Abstract] Objective:To explore the oral fixed orthodontic treatment of the nursing theory, as to improve the fixed orthodontic effects and quality. Methods:For 121 cases of fixed orthodontic care with coordination, report fixed orthodontic treatment care of the major points of work. Results:121 cases of fixed orthodontic treatment with satisfactory results, reduce the treatment of complications and discomfort. Conclusion:Psychological care, technical specialist care, oral health education guiding the work is the Fixed orthodontic treatment care of the major points.

    [Key words] Oral; Fixed orthodontic; Oral care

    口腔牙列不齐和咬颌关系紊乱通过正畸治疗可改善患者的颌关系及咀嚼功能 ......

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