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http://www.100md.com 2009年8月28日 中国医药导报 2009年第22期

    [摘要] 随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,特别是新一轮医改方案的实施,人们对医疗卫生服务的要求标准也越来越高,医护人员的医德修养在处理医患关系、医护人员内部关系及医疗部门与社会关系中起到重要的作用。因此,尚未走上医疗岗位的医学生,在学习医学专业知识、技术、技能的同时,更要注重医德的培养。只有做到德业双修,才能为新一轮医改培养出德业兼优的后备人才,才能为建设优质的医疗队伍、建立互信的医患关系、促进社会和谐打下良好的前提基础。

    [关键词] 医学生;医德培养;意义;对策

    [中图分类号]G416 [文献标识码]C [文章编号]1673-7210(2009)08(a)-160-03

    The meanings and measures to cultivate medical students' medical morality under the situation of medical reforming

    WANG Juelei

    (Grade 2005, Clinical Medicine, China Medical University, Shenyang 110001, China)

    [Abstract] Along with the development of economy and society and the improvements in living standards of people,especially a new round of health care reform package's being put into effect, People's standard requests to medical and health services are higher and higher.Medical staffs medical moral accomplishments play an important part in dealing with doctor-patient relationships,doctor-nurse internal relationships and clinical services-society relationships. Thus, as those medical students who have not yet been in the medical post learn expertise,skills and techniques,they should pay more attention to cultivate medical morality. Only having morality and skills,can they be excellent reserve talents under a new round of medical reforming,can they lay good premise foundation on building high quality of clinical team and doctor-patient relationships of mutual trust, promoting social harmony. ......

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