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http://www.100md.com 2012年1月9日 中国医药导报 2011年第33期
     孙维洋 李剑芳 邱进 徐凌川

    [摘要] 目的:利用RAPD技术分析野生单叶蔓荆(Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham.)种质资源的遗传多态性及种内遗传差异。方法:本研究以7个不同产区的野生蔓荆为试材,采用RAPD技术对其遗传物质进行分析,结合NTSYS-2.10e软件进行遗传相似系数计算和UPGMA方法聚类分析。结果:10个随机引物共获得88条DNA谱带,其中46条(52.3%)具有多态性;采用CTAB法提取DNA时,先将试材在0.9%的蔗糖溶液中暗培养48 h,有利于提高DNA提取率和纯度。结论:各种质之间均存在一定的遗传差异,与地域关系和主要有效成分的化学差异并不一致,尚需进一步的植物逆境生理和功能基因组学研究来解释这一现象。

    [关键词] 单叶蔓荆;遗传多样性;随机扩增多态性

    [中图分类号] R949.95 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1673-7210(2011)11(c)-005-03

    Analysis on genetic polymorphism in germplasm materials of Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. by RAPD

    SUN Weiyang, LI Jianfang, QIU Jin, XU Lingchuan

    School of Pharmacy, Shandong University of TCM, Shandong Province, Ji'nan 250355, China

    [Abstract] Objective: To study genetic polymorphism in germplasm materials of wild Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. and species differences of the genetic by RAPD. Methods: 7 wild germplasms of Vitex trifolia L. var. simplicifolia Cham. from different areaes were analyzed in this study. RAPD was used to analyze the genetic material, and the NTSYS-2.10e software was used to calculate the genetic similarity coefficient, the UPGMA method was used to do the clustering analysis. Results: 88 DNA bands were amplified with 10 primers, 46 of which (52.3%) were polymorphic. Culturing the plant materials in 0.9% sucrose solution in darkness for 48 h before using the CTAB to extract DNA could greatly improve the yield and purity of DNA. Conclusion: There are certain genetic differences in all kinds of quality, which is not accordance to the regional relations and the chemical difference of major effective component. The reason of this phenomenon still needs to be further plant stress physical and functional genomics research to explain. ......

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