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注重环节管理 提高医院感染病例监控的时效性
http://www.100md.com 2012年1月9日 中国医药导报 2011年第33期
     张燕萍 丁晓萍

    [摘要] 本文通过总结、分析我院近年来运行的医院感染病例监控模式,发现在感染病例监控过程中注意加强环节管理,及时发现存在问题,有针对性的改进监控方法,能建立有效的医院感染监测与通报制度,信息反馈准确及时,减少了漏报率,从而提高医院感染病例监控的时效性,有利于医院感染的预防与控制。

    [关键词] 感染病例监控;环节管理;漏报率;时效性

    [中图分类号] R197.32 [文献标识码] B[文章编号]1673-7210(2011)11(c)-167-02

    Emphasis of process management and improvement timeliness of nosocomial infection surveillance

    ZHANG Yanping, DING Xiaoping

    Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University, Jiangsu Province, Nantong 226001,China

    [Abstract] By summarizing and analyzing nosocomial infection surveillance mode of our hospital in recent years , we find that emphasis of process management in the process of nosocomial infection surveillance, detection problems timely and improvement of monitoring methods purposefully can set up surveillance of nosocomial infection and reporting systems effectively, feedback information accurately and timely, and also reduce the fail-to-report rate, thus the timeliness of nosocomial infection surveillance is Improved which is helpful to prevent and control hospital infections. ......

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