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http://www.100md.com 2015年9月11日 中国医药导报 2015年第24期
     陈荣 孙艳杰

    [摘要] 对输血风险因素及护理措施进行分析和总结,旨在对不同的输血风险采取有针对性的护理措施,为提高输血安全和减少输血事故的发生提供参考。临床输血感染相关疾病、发生输血不良反应、输血护理技术不当和临床输血误差等成为输血的风险因素,输血护理制度的建立和完善及改变输血模式、更新观念是输血护理的重要措施。持续质量改进和输血保险机制的引入为输血护理提供了新的思路,科学性、合理性和有效性输血护理是保障输血质量和患者安全的关键环节。

    [关键词] 输血;风险因素;护理措施;研究进展

    [中图分类号] R473 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2015)08(c)-0070-04

    [Abstract] This paper summarizes risk factors and nursing measures of blood transfusion, aiming to take targeted measures for different blood transfusion risk, so as to provide a reference for improving transfusion safety and reducing the occurrence of the accidents. The risk factors of blood transfusion include blood transfusion infections, adverse reactions of blood transfusion, improper nursing technique and the error of blood transfusion. Establishment and perfection of the blood transfusion nursing system, the change of the blood transfusion mode and the renewal idea are important measures to improve blood transfusion nursing. The introduction of continuous quality improvement and the transfusion insurance mechanism can provide a new way for the transfusion nursing. The key of the transfusion quality and safety is scientific ......

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