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http://www.100md.com 2016年11月19日 中国医药导报 2016年第4期
     余昌胤 覃晓龙 刘仕方 等

    [摘要] 加强以全科医生为重点的基层医疗卫生队伍建设,是健全和提高基层医疗卫生服务体系、服务能力的基础,构建全科医学教育体系是培养合格的全科医学生的关键。本文通过对遵义医学院2010级全科医学生在区域医疗联合体(医联体)内实习的认识及原因分析,结合医疗联合体的功能特点和文献研究,提出依托区域医联体构建全科医学临床教学基地的举措。明确各级医院职责,加强成员单位临床教学管理制度建设和师资队伍培养,建立县级医院临床技能实验教学中心,引导学生开展互助学习以及提高基层医疗机构的服务能力等,以保障全科医学生培养质量,促进全科医学临床教学发展。

    [关键词] 医疗联合体;全科医学;临床教学

    [中图分类号] R193.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)02(a)-0136-05

    Based on regional medical association for developing general practice clinical teaching hospital

    YU Changyin QING Xiaolong LIU Shifang CHEN Lingli

    Department of General Practice, Zunyi Medical College, Guizhou Province, Zunyi 563000, China

    [Abstract] The construction of basic medical and health care team with general practice as the focal point, which lays a foundation for perfecting and improving the basic medical and health service systems and capabilities, should be strengthened. The key to cultivate qualified general medical students lies in the general medicine education system. This paper aims to summarize the experience of the undergraduate class of 2010 implementing the clinical teaching of General Practice in Regional Medical Association ......

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