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http://www.100md.com 2016年10月19日 中国医药导报 2016年第9期
     成向东 刘佳

    [摘要] 目的 观察手法配合针刺及康复训练治疗半月板损伤的临床疗效,总结保守疗法在半月板损伤中的治疗优势。 方法 收集2012年1月~2015年1月北京市鼓楼中医医院收治的膝关节半月板损伤患者100例。所有患者均通过手法、针刺及康复训练综合治疗,于治疗前、后采用积分法对症状进行评分,分析疗效。 结果 手法配合针刺及康复训练治疗膝关节半月板损伤,经2个疗程治疗后,总有效率为88%。 结论 应用手法配合针刺及康复训练的非药物治疗方法,对半月板损伤起到了止痛、消肿、改善代谢、增加血液循环、改善膝关节功能、促进半月板修复的作用,避免了手术的风险,疗效明确。针刺可通经活络,调理气血,并有双向调节作用,可促进血液循环和新陈代谢。手法及康复训练可松解膝部肌肉的痉挛、增加膝关节的血液循环,改善膝关节功能。

    [关键词] 保守疗法;手法;针刺;康复训练;半月板损伤

    [中图分类号] R274 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)03(c)-0104-05

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate curative effect of treating meniscus injury of knee joint by massage in coordination with acupuncture and exercise therapy, and summarize the merits of conservative treatment on meniscus injury of knee joint. Methods From January 2012 to January 2015, in Gulou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Beijing, 100 patients with meniscus injury of knee joint treated with massage combined with acupuncture and exercise therapy were selected. The pre-therapy and post-treatment symptoms were evaluated by accumulating points. The curative effect of treatment was analyzed and the mechanism was discussed after that. Results After 2 sessions massage in coordination with acupuncture and exercise therapy ......

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