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http://www.100md.com 2016年9月13日 中国医药导报 2016年第14期
     张晴晴 洪学智 张 金 金今花.北京中医药大学管理学院,北京 0009;.北京肿瘤医院门诊部,北京 004






    [Abstract]This paper uses information asymmetry,principal-agent,moral hazard and adverse selection and other theoretical tools to analyze the causes of disputes between doctors and patients:information asymmetry exists between doctors and patients,and the supply-induced demand is serious;the interests of both doctors and patients are not consistent;moral hazard exists between them;adverse selection led to a decline in the quality of medical services.And combined with the present situation of medical information disclosure,to discuss the countermeasures of medical information disclosure based on the demand of medical dispute management:to implement the responsibility of information disclosure;to build the platform of mutual evaluation of doctors and patients;to disclosure violations ......

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