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http://www.100md.com 2017年1月6日 中国医药导报 2016年第28期

    [摘要] 当医疗环境逐渐复杂、医患关系日益恶化的时候,内外部环境充满不确定性,医院正处于混沌状态,无法适应日趋激励的医疗市场竞争。本文阐述了混沌理论的概念及应用,提出将混沌理论应用于新时期医院管理建设,运用混沌理论的思维方式,重新定位医院管理战略,构建医院内部的弹性能力,从人力资源管理、强化行为激励、管理员工绩效和构建医院和谐新文化等方面入手,解决传统管理方法无法决断的复杂问题,为医院管理理论进一步研究提供新思路。

    [关键词] 混沌理论;医院管理;协同发展;效率

    [中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2016)10(a)-0147-05

    Research on the application of chaos theory in the innovation of hospital management

    ZHOU Hongzhen LEI Qingmei ZHU Yafang LI Xuan ZHAO Zhirong▲

    Department of Nursing, Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510515, China

    [Abstract] When medical environment becomes increasingly complex, the deterioration of the doctor-patient relationship, internal and external environment full of uncertainty, the hospital is under a state of chaos, cannot adapt to the increasingly competition of medical market. This paper expounds the concept and application of chaos theory, puts forward applying chaos theory to hospital management in the new period, using chaos theory mode of thinking, to reposition the hospital management strategies ......

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