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http://www.100md.com 2016年12月27日 中国医药导报 2016年第29期
     王倩 刘诗洋 鲁捷

    [摘要] 近年来药品质量安全事件频发,其中大多是通过各类媒体曝光引发公众热议,进而形成较大社会影响力,督促相关事件的解决。因此,媒体监管已成为药品质量安全监管的重要途径之一。本文通过对2014年发生的媒体曝光药品质量安全事件的对比研究,总结出媒体监管具有引起政府和公众重视、增强社会监督、监督政府行为等作用,同时也具有缺乏持续性、易受操纵、监管效果差异大等缺点。由此,本文建议从政府、企业、消费者等三个角度入手有效发挥媒体监管对药品质量安全的作用,从而减少药品质量安全事件的发生,最大程度地降低药品质量安全事件对公众的危害。

    [关键词] 媒体监管;药品安全;作用分析;策略研究

    [中图分类号] R95 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)10(b)-0111-04

    [Abstract] In recent years, drug safety incidents have occurred frequently, most of which have become a hot topic of the whole society through media exposure, and then formed the great social impact to supervise the solution of the events. Therefore, media-regulation has become one of the main way for supervision of drug quality-safety. This paper makes comparison with the drug safety incidents happened in 2014, comes to the conclude that media-regulation has the effect of attracting attention of the government and the public, improving social supervision, supervising the behavior of the government. But at the same time, media-regulation also has the weakness of lacking persistence, being easily manipulated, various effect. Therefore ......

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