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http://www.100md.com 2017年3月6日 中国医药导报 2016年第33期
     张天民 杜艳军

    [摘要] 本文通过阐述针刀闭合性手术的概念,分析闭合性手术与开放性手术之间的关系,介绍闭合性手术器械、作用原理,以及闭合性手术的理论基础、操作特点和要求,促进临床医务工作者对针刀闭合性手术理论的理解。针刀闭合性手术是在针刀医学理论的指导下,应用针刀器械对骨关节周围软组织进行切割、分离,以解除患者的痛苦,达到治疗的目的。针刀闭合性手术的适应证已从骨伤科疾病发展到内、外、妇、儿、皮肤、五官科、美容整形等众多临床疑难杂症中,未来发展空间会非常广阔,已具备发展针刀临床亚学科的条件。

    [关键词] 针刀;闭合性手术;开放性手术

    [中图分类号] R245 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2016)11(c)-0161-05

    A simple comment on needle-knife closed operation

    ZHANG Tianmin DU Yanjun

    College of Acupuncture and Osteology and Traumatology, Hubei University of Chinese Medicine, Hubei Province, Wuhan 430065, China

    [Abstract] This paper elaborates the concept of needle-knife closed operation, analyzes the relationship between closed operation and open operation, introduces closed surgical instruments, action principle, and the theoretical basis, operating characteristics and requirements of closed operation, so as to promote the understanding of clinical medical workers for the theory of needle-knife closed operation. Under the guidance of acupotomology theory, needle-knife closed operation is using needle-knife instruments to cut or separate the soft tissue around the joint ......

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