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http://www.100md.com 2017年5月11日 中国医药导报 2017年第7期

    [摘要] 将案例教学与任务型教学作有机结合应用于中医肛肠病学的课堂教学过程中能充分发挥两者优势并加以叠加,体现出内容生动、互动性强的特点。既做到了中医肛肠病传统中医理论的系统学习,又在此基础上引发培养学生主动求知、主动探索、主动学习相关现代医学研究进展的能力。两者结合既强化了教学大纲的学习内容,又教会学生如何将理论知识运用于临床,提升了知识的实践效用,有效提升了教学质量。

    [关键词] 案例教学;任务型教学;中医肛肠;课堂教学

    [中图分类号] G64 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)03(a)-0121-04

    Application of CBL+TBL in classroom teaching anorectal disease with traditional Chinese Medicine

    PENG Yunhua YANG Wei

    Department of Anorectal, Shuguang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shanghai 200021

    [Abstract] The teaching effect of the of CBL+TBL applicated in the classroom teaching anorectal disease with traditional Chinese medicine indicates that the combination of these two methods has an advantageous effect, and it shows vivid content and strong interactivity. In addition to leading students to study the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine, do self-learning in western medical theory and research progress additionally. combination of these two methods not only enhances teaching outline content, but also teaches students how to use theory on clinical practice ......

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