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http://www.100md.com 2017年9月4日 中国医药导报 2017年第21期

    [摘要] “九针”最早记载于《内经》,后代出现的许多针具均是以九针为基础发展的;经筋学说最早也是由《内经》提出,是针灸临床的重要指导思想之一。本文将针刀与《内经》九针进行比较,从针具的形状和主治病症方面探析针刀的理论渊源,并从经筋理论的角度来探析针刀的作用原理,以期为针刀的临床应用和现代发展提供理论支持。

    [关键词] 内经;经筋;九针;针刀

    [中图分类号] R245 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)07(c)-0155-04

    [Abstract] Nine needles are formally defined by The Internal Canon of Medicine, Many of the needles that emerged are developed based on nine needles. Meridian sinew theory is formally defined by The Internal Canon of Medicine, and it is one of the important guiding thoughts of acupuncture clinical. The paper compares nine needles in The Internal Canon of Medicine with acupotomy, explores and analyzes the theoretical origin of acupotomy from the shape of the needle and the treatment of the disease, explores and analyzes the action principle of acupotomy from the point of view of the meridian sinew theory, in order to provide theoretical foundation for the clinical application and modern development of the acupotomy.

    [Key words] The Internal Canon of Medicine; Meridian sinew; Nine needles; Acupotomy

    针刀疗法是近年出现的一种新疗法 ......

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