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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月19日 中国医药导报 2017年第31期

    [摘要] 复发性口腔溃疡是一类原因不明的难治性疾病,中药治疗复发性口腔溃疡具有疗效好、不易复发等优势。冯建春认为其发病与湿热、痰浊、血瘀、湿毒密切相关,诊察以经络辨脏腑,形态辨病性。辨别寒热虚实,标本缓急,注重调理脾胃气机,顾护正气,活血通络,病久入络,重视整体疗法,未病先防。

    [关键词] 冯建春;复发性口腔溃疡;辨证论治;名医经验;医案

    [中图分类号] R781.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)11(a)-0081-04

    Empirical analysis of Feng Jianchun in treating recurrent mouth ulcers

    WANG Jiajia CHEN Yuyi WANG Zhiyu▲

    School of Chinese Medicine, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100069, China

    [Abstract] Recurrent oral ulcer is a kind of unexplained and intractable disease. Using traditional Chinese medicine to treat recurrent mouth ulcers has advantages of significant effect and difficult recurrence. Feng Jianchun considers that the pathogenesis is closely related to dampness-heat, phlegm, blood stasis and damp-toxin. Examining the meridian linking of the ulcers is to distinguish the zang-fu organs. Looking the shapes of the ulcers is to diagnose the disease nature. Differentiating syndrome is to distinguish cold, hot, deficiency, excess. In urgent conditions, treat the branch. While in moderate conditions, treat the root. It is very important to regulate qi activity of spleen and stomach and protect healthy qi. The therapeutic effects are remarkable to treat stubborn recurrent mouth ulcers by promoting blood circulation to dredge collaterals when persistent illness entering collaterals. Feng Jianchun attaches great importance to the holistic therapy and treat disease before it arises. ......

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