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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月19日 中国医药导报 2017年第32期

    [摘要] 脑钠肽是主要在心脏部位合成的一种肽類激素。当心室壁压力增高时,其分泌量随之增加,心衰严重程度与其血浆含量水平密切相关。脑钠肽作为心脏衰竭的一个重要生物标志物,近年来其在心衰的诊断、治疗、病情评估、治疗、预后以及药物评价方面均具有诸多应用。本文通过总结脑钠肽在心衰疾病研究中的国内外进展,论述脑钠肽在上述过程中的临床意义,为提高脑钠肽在心衰治疗方面的认识提供借鉴。

    [关键词] 脑钠肽;心力衰竭;研究进展

    [中图分类号] R541.61 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)11(b)-0035-04

    [Abstract] Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) is a peptide hormone that is synthesized mainly in heart. When the heart wall pressure increases, the secretion of BNP gets increasing, thus the levels of BNP and severity of heart failure are closely related. Recently, as an important biomarker of heart failure, BNP shows amount of applications in the diagnosis, treatment, disease evaluation, treatment, prognosis and drug evaluation of heart failure. This paper summarizes the progress of BNP in the research of heart failure, and discusses the clinical significance of BNP in order to improve the insight of BNP in the treatment of heart failure.

    [Key words] Brain natriuretic peptide; Heart failure; Research progress

    心力衰竭是指各种原因引起的心脏结构或功能异常所导致的心室充盈或心脏射血能力受损综合征[1] ......

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