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http://www.100md.com 2017年12月19日 中国医药导报 2017年第32期

    [摘要] 本文通过对医学院校神经外科学现阶段的培训教学方式进行分析,发现传统的培训教学方式较为被动,培训效果不理想;医学生与资历浅的医师在手术显微镜下欠缺手眼配合的操作练习,对器械原理和有关技术知识掌握不够。所以探索新型的教学方式,使医学生与资历浅的医师能快速有效地操纵手术设备器械,保证显微神经外科手术工作顺利开展就显得非常重要。

    [关键词] 显微神经外科;手术设备器械;培训;应用和实践

    [中图分类号] R65 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)11(b)-0170-04

    [Abstract] Based on the analysis of the current training methods of neurosurgery in medical colleges, this paper finds that traditional training methods are more passive and the training effect is not ideal; medical students and junior physicians lack the operation practice of hand-eye coordination under the operating microscope, the principle of the instrument and the related technical knowledge. Therefore, it is significance to explore the new way of teaching, which can make the medical students and junior doctors operate surgical equipment quickly and effectively, and ensure the smooth operation of microneurosurgery.

    [Key words] Microsurgery; Surgical equipment; Equipment training; Application and practice

    在跨入20世纪50年代后,世界各国的科技快速发展,也推动了医学的不断进步,当中受益较深的包括神经外科[1] ......

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