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http://www.100md.com 2018年1月29日 中国医药导报 2017年第36期

    [摘要] 中医学术流派的道、法、术的形成与中医经典、代表性传承人密不可分。岭南疡科流派作为中医疡科在岭南的一个分支,近代名医黄耀燊、蔡炳勤为代表性传承人,黄耀燊之师卢朋著十分推崇黄元御所著《四圣心源》,黄元御-卢朋著-黄耀燊-蔡炳勤为岭南疡科流派的传承脉络之一。书中所倡导的博学精纯的治学精神,“天人相应”“脾胃中气”“脏腑辨证以调达内外”的中医理念,简而效达的用药特色对流派的学术影响颇深,寻根溯源对挖掘整理中医学术流派经验具有独特的意义。

    [关键词] 岭南;疡科;学术流派;四圣心源

    [中图分类号] R26;R252 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2017)12(c)-0141-04

    [Abstract] The formation of philosophy, technique and skills of the TCM academic schools are much more associated with the classics of TCM and the representative inheritor. Lingnan Yangke school is a branch of TCM Yangke in Lingnan, and the modern famous doctor Huang Yaoshen and Contemporary famous doctor Cai Binqin are two major representative inheritors. Doctor Huang's tutor Lu Pengzhu is praised highly on the academic thoughts in Sisheng Xinyuan written by Huang Yuanyu. Huang Yuanyu-Lu Pengzhu-Huang Yaoshen-Cai Bingqin is one of the inheritance venation in the Lingnan Yangke school. Huang advocate some views of concept of TCM “correspondence between man and heaven” “spleen and stomach middle qi” “the viscera dialectics is to adjust the inside and outside” ......

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