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http://www.100md.com 2018年3月7日 中国医药导报 2018年第1期

    [摘要] 创新能力与医学人文素质培养对于培养高素质的医学人才十分重要。在药理学教学实践中,我们着重于将创新能力和人文素质的提高融入教学过程中。学生不但学习了知识,而且提高了各种能力,尤其是具有临床思维的创新能力。此教学实践有利于培养技术精湛、医德高尚的医学人才。

    [关键词] 创新能力;人文素质;药理学

    [中图分类号] R541.4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)01(a)-0142-03

    [Abstract] The cultivation of outstanding innovative ability and medical humanistic quality is very important for cultivating high-quality medical talented persons. In the teaching practice of pharmacology, we focus on integrating the improvement of innovative ability and humanistic quality into the teaching process. The students not only learn knowledge, but also improve various abilities especially the innovative ability of clinical thinking. The teaching practice is conducive to the cultivation of medical talented persons with exquisite technology, noble medical ethics.

    [Key words] Innovative ability; Humanistic quality; Pharmacology

    創新能力是人类各种能力的其中一种能力的诠释或代称,是指怀疑、批判和调查能力,是运用知识和理论,不断提供新思想、新观点、新技能和新发明的能力。它主要包括创新意识、观察能力、想象能力、分析能力和完成能力。在医学教育界,培养创新能力的重要性日益受到重视,培养创新能力的紧迫性也普遍得到关注,已成为时代的标志和潮流。人文素质是指一个人成其为人和发展为人才的内在品质,包括具备人文知识、理解人文思想、掌握人文方法和遵循人文精神 ......

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