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http://www.100md.com 2018年4月26日 中国医药导报 2018年第4期
     董文凤 姚树永 曹敏娟 杨勇 杜向东

    [摘要] 奥氮平属于第二代抗精神病药物,已被临床广泛应用,疗效显著。但随着应用时间的推进,临床发现服用奥氮平的患者出现体重增加、糖脂水平异常等代谢失衡的现象较多。药物性代谢失衡不仅是导致心血管疾病发生的危险因素,还会影响到患者的生活质量和用药依从性,导致病程迁延。因此,奥氮平致代谢失衡这一课题备受关注。本文综述了有关该问题的一些国内外干预措施研究进展,以期为临床及机制研究提供参考。

    [关键词] 第二代抗精神病药物;奥氮平;代谢失衡;干预

    [中图分类号] R971 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)02(a)-0043-04

    Research progress on the interventions of second-generation antipsychotics Olanzapine-induced metabolism imbalance

    DONG Wenfeng1 YAO Shuyong1 CAO Minjuan1 YANG Yong2 DU Xiangdong2

    1.Department of Pharmacy, Suzhou Psychiatric Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215137, China; 2.Department of Psychiatry, Suzhou Psychiatric Hospital, Jiangsu Province, Suzhou 215137, China

    [Abstract] As one of the second-generation antipsychotics, Olanzapine has been widely used in clinic with remarkable curative effect. However, as the application time progressed, it has been found that the incidence of metabolism imbalance is relatively higher in patients taking olanzapine, such as weight gain and abnormal levels of glucose and lipid. Drug-induced metabolism imbalance is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease and could affect the quality of life and patients′ medication compliance resulting in prolonging the course of disease. Olanzapine-induced metabolism imbalance has attracted much attention ......

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