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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月23日 中国医药导报 2018年第7期
     高崎 郭欣

    [摘要] 本研究以国内某公立三级甲医院为例,选取关系医院医技科室发展的效率、质量、服务、医用耗材支出成本、满意度等近二十个关键指标,并从日常科室管理、常规生化项目检验、POCT项目管理、临床医疗质量安全、临床满意度、投诉管理与纠纷化解率、医用耗材支出成本等多个方面建立了一套较为科学完善的立体化绩效考核体系,结合临床医生、护理人员、医技人员的工作量、工作强度、风险程度、护理时数等多方面参照比对,以此得出对不同医务人员进行考核的方法,对深化当前公立医院绩效管理改革,完善考核考核分配制度,提升医院整体诊疗水平具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。

    [关键词] KPI模式;医院;医技科室;绩效考核

    [中图分类号] R197.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)03(a)-0150-04

    [Abstract] Taking a public tertiary hospital in China as an example, this paper selects nearly 20 key indicators such as the efficiency, quality, service, medical consumable expenditures, satisfaction and so on of the development of the medical departments of the related hospitals. From the aspects of daily department management, routine biochemical projects Testing, POCT project management, clinical quality and safety, clinical satisfaction, complaint management and dispute resolution rate, medical consumables and other costs and other aspects of the establishment of a more scientific and complete three-dimensional performance appraisal system, combined with clinicians, nursing staff, medical and technical personnel workload ......

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