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http://www.100md.com 2018年5月23日 中国医药导报 2018年第9期

    [摘要] 近年来,新媒体逐渐在医学继续教育领域发挥着不可替代的作用,颠覆了传统医学继续教育的模式。但是从实践来看,医学继续教育体系中仍存在比较明显的缺陷。本文主要通过研究新媒体在医学继续教育中发挥的作用,发现当今社会医学继续教育存在的主要问题,并提出发挥新媒体的作用来促进医学继续教育发展的对策,意在推动我国医学继续教育体系建设,为政府决策提供参考。

    [关键词] 新媒体;医学;继续教育;对策

    [中图分类号] R05 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)03(c)-0154-04

    [Abstract] In recent years, new media gradually play an irreplaceable role in the field of continuing medical education, it overturns the traditional pattern of continuing medical education. But in the practice, the continuing medical education system still has the obvious flaw. This article finds the main problems of continuing medical education in nowadays society, through discussing new media's role in the continuing medical education, and puts forward countermeasures of new media promoting the development of continuing medical education, in order to promote the construction of continuing medical education system in our country, and provide reference for government decision.

    [Key words] New media; Medicine; Continuing education; Measures

    繼续教育作为专业人才教育的一项重要内容,对于不同行业的人才培养都具有重要的意义,是对知识进行补充、更新、拓展以及完善的一种追加性教育 ......

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