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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月3日 中国医药导报 2018年第13期
     李京忠 王苹 李建志

    [摘要] 传统的计算机教学生态环境信息系统分散,师生缺乏互动,实验室管理繁琐,实训教学开展困难。本文通过对虚拟化技术的分析,认为服务器虚拟化技术和桌面虚拟化技术相互结合是改善中医院校计算机教学生态环境、提升实训效果、降低软硬件运维成本以及基础设施整合的最佳选择,对进行计算机教学改革以及学生综合能力的培养具有积极意义。

    [关键词] 虚拟化;教学生态环境;Hyper-V;实训平台;VDI;VOI

    [中图分类号] G434 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)05(a)-0135-04

    [Abstract] The traditional computer teaching ecological environment information system is scattered, teachers and students are lack of interaction; the laboratory management is tedious and the training teaching is difficult to carry out. Based on the analysis of virtualization technology, it is considered that the combination of server virtualization technology and desktop virtualization technology are the best choice to improve the computer teaching environment, which can improve the training effect, reduce the cost of hardware and software operation and infrastructure integration. It has constructive meaning for the reform of computer teaching and the cultivation of students' comprehensive ability.

    [Key words] Virtualization; Teaching ecological environment; Hyper-V; Training platform; Virtual device interface; Virtual operating system infrastructure ......

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