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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月26日 中国医药导报 2018年第18期
     周弘征 邱晓堂

    [摘要] 邱晓堂教授在沿承中医“治未病”中“既病防变”思维的基础上,结合自己多年的临床经验,总结出高尿酸血症的中医病因病机,认为该病病机主要为湿浊内阻、壅滞血脉,治疗上以“除湿泄浊,理气通络,佐以清热”为治则,临床常以四妙散为基础方加味,创立化湿降浊汤,方中重用土茯苓、威灵仙二药,降尿酸效果显著,全方共奏湿浊去、血脉通、筋脉利之效。

    [关键词] 高尿酸血症;四妙散;名医经验;邱晓堂

    [中图分类号] R692 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)06(c)-0136-04

    [Abstract] Along with “preventing disease from exacerbating” thought of “preventive treatment of disease”, and in combination with years of clinical experience of professor Qiu Xiaotang, he summarizes pathogen and pathology of TCM in hyperuricemia. He promotes that the pathogenesis of this disease is wet phlegm stagnating the blood. It should be treated by principles as “dispelling wet muddy, regulating qi, dredging collaterals, and clearing heat”. His modified prescriptions are usually based on Simiao Powder, and he founded Huashi Jiangzhuo Decoction, in which Rhizoma Smilacis Glabrae and Radix Clematidis are put in high dose, with significant hypouricemic effects. The whole prescription plays the roles of eliminating dampness, invigorating the circulation of blood and tendons.

    [Key words] Hyperuricemia; Simiao Powder; Experience of famous doctor; Qiu Xiaotang ......

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