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http://www.100md.com 2018年9月26日 中国医药导报 2018年第18期
     姜孟家 丁洪磊 尤璐 张旭 李路广 崔述生

    [摘要] “点神阙、透天枢、行气海”是崔述生教授治疗急性腰扭伤特色手法的重要组成,是手法起效的关键所在。崔述生教授强调点穴要点颤结合,透天枢意在透达神阙、通透天枢,行气海贵在行气散结、透热入里;同时点穴时要求心静、手灵、气定、神闲,才能达到柔、厚、透的效果。崔述生教授辨证选用点神阙、透天枢、行气海的手法从阴引阳,施治腰扭伤后气机不畅之疼痛,体现了中医整体观及辨证施治的核心思想,临床疗效卓著。

    [关键词] 崔述生;点穴;手法;经验

    [中图分类号] R256.23 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)06(c)-0143-04

    [Abstract] Digital acupoint pressure of Shenque, Tianshu and Qihai, which is an important part of professor Cui Shusheng's characteristic treatment for acute lumbar sprain, and it is also the key to the work. Professor Cui Shusheng emphasizes the combination of trembling manipulation and acupoint pressure, acupoint Tianshu as deep as Shenque, acupoint Qihai to set the qi in motion and dissipate the stasis, also to transfer the heat into body. It commands doctors to be calm, dexterity, steady and quiet when using the acupuncture point to achieve the effect of softness, thickness and penetration. Professor Cui Shusheng chooses Shenque, Tianshu and Qihai according to syndrome differentiation to get yang from yin, which treats the pain caused by the irregular flow of the qi. It reflects the core idea of TCM overall view and dialectical treatment ......

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