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http://www.100md.com 2018年11月15日 中国医药导报 2018年第21期
     张大同 王康杰

    [摘要] 为建立符合医院中层干部选拔任用的规范化模式,加强医院中层干部队伍建设,本文采取质性研究的案例研究方法,以北京小汤山医院2017年中层干部选拔任用实际工作为例,全面深入了解、观察中层干部选拔任用的开展状况、工作流程、相关主体工作职责、存在困难及成功经验,提取干部选拔任用的有效经验做法,探索干部选拔任用规范化之路,为医院今后选拔任用干部提供参考和借鉴。

    [关键词] 医院;中层干部;选拔任用;规范化模式

    [中图分类号] D262.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)07(c)-0178-04

    The research of standardized model for hospital middle-level cadres selection and appointment

    ZHANG Datong WANG Kangjie

    Party Committee Office, Beijing Xiaotangshan Hospital, Beijing 102211, China

    [Abstract] In order to establish a standardized model for the selection and appointment of middle-level cadres and strengthen the construction of hospital middle-level cadres, the author adopts case study method of qualitative research and takes the actual work of middle-level cadre selection and appointment in Beijing Xiaotangshan hospital in 2017 as an example. Through thorough understanding and observation of the development status of middle-level cadres selection and appointment, work process, the relevant main job duties and difficulties and successful experiences to extract the effective experience and standarding ways of cadres selection and appointment ......

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